Welcome to my mad life!

See my artworks in my professional artist site: http://www.artatheart.com.au/ and the blog is at http://artatheartoz.blogspot.com/. To check out my upcoming eBook on Art Success, go to http://www.artsuccess.info/ (it's a blog too). To see my life as a CAD Consultant and AutoCAD programmer/trainer, go to http://www.cadsource.com.au/ and the blog, with heaps of tips and tricks, is at http://cadsourceinternational.blogspot.com/. To try out our favourite food allergy recipes that are actually quite delicious, visit http://www.eatwellanyway.com/. Enjoy!


mad busy funster professional artist painter teacher author technologist mathematician CAD consultant entrepreneur investor gluten-free animal-loving nature-loving joy&serenity-seeking Ironman triathlete

About Me

I am an artist who has been painting for 10 years, and only two years ago I decided to "turn pro". I have now sold six figures worth of art works, won many awards, and have sold artworks all around Australia and overseas. My art is now represented in several galleries and I have a growing list of collectors who snap up new artworks as soon as they are presented. I have completed many successful commissions, and have had a lot of publicity, press and exposure.

I paint in many mediums, including Watercolour, Oil, Acrylic, Pastel, and many drawing mediums. I also tinker with craft and writing. I live on bushland acreage in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, and have a studio and gallery here. I hold weekly painting groups and art classes in the studio gallery and at external art schools, and have over 70 artists in my "Artist Clan", several of whom have asked me to write the tips down that I have given them.  I have compiled all the tips into an Art Success eBook, and added many more strategies and ideas for many more artists to enjoy and learn from.

I hope that http://www.artsuccess.info/ can help you too!